globalization journals

Home; Books; Journals; Globalization Journals. 336). Work published in the International Journal of Business and Globalisation, investigates the way in which story telling in the digital realm can be used to influence the choices of millennial consumers. Global Health Action. Supporters of globalization argue that it has the potential to make this world a better place to live in and solve some of the deep-seated problems like unemployment and poverty. Globalization We are at a unique point in human history with intersecting trends of population aging, globalization, and urbanization, and new understandings of how individual health, aging and opportunities are being impacted by such forces. Following are 20 globalization articles to help you get started in supporting your pros and cons essay. Area. Crossref reports the following articles citing this article: James Cairns, Marco Vezza, Richard Green, Donald MacVicar Numerical optimisation of a ship wind-assisted propulsion system using blowing and suction over a range of wind conditions, Ocean Engineering 240 (Nov 2021): 109903. The article embeds child labor in a standard general equilibrium, twosector model of a small open economy facing perfectly competitive markets, efficiency wages, and free trade. Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013 Globalization as a concept surpasses a mere openness to symbiotic economic relationship. Journal of Globalization Studies. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation is a bi-annual peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Pluto Journals that focuses on the new global division of labour. globalization. Editorial Board. In particular, four issues were presented: a division of labor undertaken on an international scale where transnational corporations are drawing on developing countries' work forces to manufacture sportswear and sport equipment . There were three epochs of growth experience after the mid-nineteenth century for what is now called the OECD "club": the late nineteenth century, the middle years between 1914 and 1950, and the late twentieth century. Very few businesses have not been affected detrimentally by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Archives. Restrict trade and cries o. The journal encourages submissions from the research community where emphasis will be placed on the originality and the practical significance of the reported research. Free . Globalization has turned the world into the big village This in turn has led to intense electronic corporate commercial war to get the attention and nod of the customer globally This war for survival can only get more International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. The Journal of Globalization and Development (JGD) publishes academic research and policy analysis on globalization, development, and in particular the complex interactions between them. The journal is especially interested in advancing the study of the borders of globalization. Volume 7, Number 1 / May 2016. 36572+ Manuscript submission, 9855+ Research Paper Published, 100+ Articles from over 100 Countries. Globalization, Brain Drain, and Development by Frdric Docquier and Hillel Rapoport. Potential benefits of globalization for the economy include increased choice, higher quality products, increased competition, economies of scale, increased capital flows, increased labor mobility and improved international relations. Serial Founded: 2013 . Volume 6, Number 2 / November 2015. Volume 19, 2022 Vol 18, 2021 Vol 17, 2020 Vol 16, 2019 Vol 15, 2018 Vol 14, 2017 Vol 13, 2016 Vol 12, 2015 Vol 11, 2014 Vol 10, 2013 Vol 9, 2012 Vol 8, 2011 Vol 7, 2010 Vol 6, 2009 Vol 5, 2008 Vol 4, 2007 Vol 3, 2006 Vol 2, 2005 Vol 1, 2004. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, . Globalization refers to the level of openness and positive attitude towards the products, values and ideologies of other people and cultures. Globalization, referred to as the inter-dependence of countries, peoples, races and institutions in politics, economics, arts, science and technology, is equally responsible for inter-cultural exchanges and the coming together of people of diverse persuasions. Related Journals of Globalization Social Development, Group Decision and Negotiation, Administration and Management Journal, Business and Management Journal, Social & Political Sciences Journals Journals, Economy and Society, Design Studies, Scientometrics, Business and Society, Politics and Society, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. The Global Media Journal offers open access platform to the scholars, researchers, academicians and students of media and communication with a view to publish the most trending and innovative researches that explore media, society and culture in the wake of globalization.. Asian Politics & Policy. Introduction. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies is peer-reviewed, supported by rigorous processes of criterion-referenced article ranking and qualitative commentary, ensuring that only intellectual work of the greatest substance and highest significance is published. They estimate that the weighted average foreign output gap has a significant positive effect on domestic inflation, and it has shown an upward trend year by year. I've organized these into three categories for you: "Pro," "Neutral," and "Anti." You can use neutral articles for either a "pro" or "con" approach because they are more informative and address both globalization's positive and negative effects. Ethics and International Affairs. Globalization can be considered in terms of trade, international mergers and takeovers, technology, the global assembly line, and multinationals (Went, 2000). Re-Globalization. Citation: Basel M. Al-Eideh and Raed A. Al-Husain (2022) Analysis of the Role of Culture and Globalization in Consumer Awareness and their Impact on Income and Family: An Analytical Statistical Study, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 6; June2011 216 Globalization and Challenges; What are the globalization's contemporary issues? Globalization Increases Free Trade Globalization has increased the free trade between countries. Description and Interpretation in Critical Discourse Analysis. Therefore, uncovering the factors underlying sustainable development matters for the design of optimal policies. Media globalization is a broad topic, which includes television, radio, film, music, the Internet, and other forms of digital media. PRINT ISSN 2367-4555. Download citations Download PDFs. Stephen Bell. Journal of Globalization Studies. Globalization, as a complicated process, is not a new phenomenon and our world has experienced its effects on different aspects of lives such as economical, social, environmental and political from many years ago -.Economic globalization includes flows of goods and services across borders, international capital flows, reduction in tariffs and trade barriers, immigration, and . Research in the International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, looks at how small to medium-size enterprises (SMEs) might respond to such a crisis and rise to the challenges it brings.Ratan J.S. Economic Geography. Economic "globalization" is a historical process, the result of human innovation and technological progress. Print ISSN: 1745-641X / e-ISSN: 1745-6428. Advantages of Globalisation 1. Mayhand, D. (2020) Globalization: Understanding the Impact of Cultural Differences in Global Organizations. Journal of Pragmatics, 31, 1089-1099. Agribusiness. City & Society. Globalization in its current form presents more challenges than opportunities to the global societies. Current Issue. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through the movement of goods, services, and capital across borders. This study investigates the influence of higher education and . An international, peer-reviewed journal, Research in Globalization seeks to explore all aspects of globalization - positive and negative - through analysis of the phenomenon in all its many aspects. in reality, the latest phase of globalisation that has been developing since the mid- to late-1970s is a process or project that in large part has been purposively promoted and championed by individual states, transnational corporations and key international organisations such as the imf and world bank, all driven by a belief in the benefits of Volume 6, Number 1 / May 2015. Foreign Policy Analysis. This means that borders are increasingly detached from territory, operating as mobile and relational nodes in increasingly complex . It was triggered off by a confluence of events. (July 2012) Research in Globalization is a peer reviewed, open access journal. Rapid globalization has brought new, large-scale influences to bear on patterns of human health. For Yeates (as cited in Yalcin, 2018) globalization is an extensive network of cultural, socio-economic and political interconnections that goes beyond national boundaries. The so-called millennials, otherwise known as Generation Y, represent those people born in the period spanning the early 1980s to the mid-1990s. Globalization is defined as an extension and intensification in the exchange of goods, persons, and ideas (Held et al., 1999). Journal of Globalization Studies on Facebook" DOI: 10.30884/jogs The "Journal of Globalization Studies" builds on previous research and a sharing of perspectives by the four editors - two from Russia, one from New Zealand and one from the USA. The flow of trade, people and ideas among countries isn't inevitably headed toward decline following Russia's invasion of. A Victim of Its Own Success: Internationalization, Neoliberalism, and Organizational Involution at the Business Council of Australia. SME crisis management. Farhad Nezhad Haj Ali Irani (Corresponding Author) Public Management, PhD Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch, Iran Tel: +98- 0412-7238893-5 Fax: +98- 0412-7238894 E . This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. Instead of the dire predictions of a post-pandemic world characterized by increased global risks, decoupling of economies, shake-up of global value chains, and the retreat of globalization, this article proposes that the changes induced by heightened nationalism and protectionism will be marginal rather than fundamental in nature. List of globalization-related journals. 'Open Access' publishing is expected to become an increasingly important format for peer reviewed academic journals and that Globalization a (Brussels: Commissions of Un-European Communities, 1994), p. 4. 1 bmj global health gbr 74% similarity 2 global health action gbr 73% similarity 3 bulletin of the world health organization che 69% similarity 4 global public health gbr 67% similarity 5 journal of global health gbr 65% similarity 6 international journal for equity in health gbr 59% similarity 7 bmc international health and human rights gbr 58% According to Roland Robertson's definition, globalization is "the understanding of the world and the increased perception of the world as a whole" (Robertson, 1983). World trade has reached an unparalleled level: "Since the late 1980s international trade has been growing twice as fast as the world's combined gross national products" (p10). The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge . Journal of Globalization Studies. Flowerdew, J. For comparison, we also use data on documents by the country of origin and English-written documents. Volume 5, Number 2 / November 2014. Globalizations encourages multidisciplinary research and looks to publish contributions from all regions of the world. Dheer of the Department of Management at Eastern Michigan . Published in volume 20, issue 2, pages 145-170 of Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2006, Abstract: The policy debate over globalization in the past decade has largely bypassed the international mobility of labor. Keep Reading Cultural Consciousness of Chinese Ethnic Minority under the Economic Globalization Illustrated by the Case of Ethnic Yi in Yunnan. Research in Globalization is a broad-scope, multi-disciplinary open access journal of planning and development studies. The modern sector uses skilled adult labor and capital, and the agrarian sector uses unskilled (child and adult) labor and skilled adult labor. 1. Introduction. Trade policies, foreign direct investment, or both that increase the . The journal is published in both printed and online versions. Globalization from within refers to the transformation of the political culture of society, as well as its values, family structures, patterns of everyday life, and personal orientations in conformity with some universal standards, most often understood today as normatively rational, liberal values (Beck, 1999). ISSN 2367-9107. We find that the aggregate distribution of occupations in Sweden has become more skilled between 1997 and 2013. This debut editorial of Globalization and Health introduces the journal, briefly delineating its goals and objectives and outlines its scope of subject matter. The articles and special issues focus on acute issues of the moment and on deep long-term structural shifts. 14 June, 2022. School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland, Australia, The journal is hosted on Science Open and can be found here to read online. Global Environmental Politics. Economic historians have, not surprisingly, focused on the economic dimensions of the phenomenon. Open Journal of Leadership, 9, 34-52. doi: 10.4236/ojl.2020.91003 . In recent years, it seems businesses around the world are relying upon a diverse workforce ( Gummer, 2000; Yi, 2015 ). These marginally higher risks can easily be handled and . People Flows in Globalization by Richard B. Freeman. Return to Article Details The Business of Globalization and the Globalization of Business Globalization, the phenomenon which especially affects economy and life, is now one of the most debated topics in history: lectures, articles, books. The journal publishes original papers at the forefront of international law, corporate law, public policy and globalization issues. The journal is defined by our Research Network scope and concerns and . Hongyu Xie, Jidong Yi, Jianhou Gan. Affiliates and Sponsors. A selection of Globalisation Journals available from Wiley Blackwell. Objective The Journal of Globalization and Development (JGD) publishes academic research and policy analysis on globalization, development, and in particular the complex interactions between them. Impact Of Globalization On Women In India ,GJRA - Global Journal For Research Analysis(GJRA) GJRA is a double reviewed monthly print journal that accepts research works. List of globalization-related journals Peer-reviewed, scientific journals related to the study of globalization include the following: This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. Worldwide specialists in economics, politics, and sociology have analyzed in thousands of pages the phenomenon of globalization, its forms, evolution, impact and trends, but the views Join the WOLG network. Globalization has increased in recent decades, resulting in structural changes of production and labor demand. The journal is dedicated to stimulating a creative dialogue between theoretical advances and rigorous empirical studies to push forward the frontiers of development analysis. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization is a peer-reviewed journal published by IISTE. . Global Society (journal) Globalization and Health. Globality Studies Journal; Globalization; Globalization and Health; Globalizations; Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation [1] Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies; International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics; An international, peer-reviewed journal, Research in Globalization seeks to explore all aspects of globalization - positive and negative - through analysis of the phenomenon in View full aims & scope Insights $1100* Empirical and theoretical research largely focuses on this effect, seeking to discover the impact of an increasingly globalized world on the. Globalization Portal. We seek to build an epistemic community to make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. Globalization and Health is listed in a wide variety . More and more schools in developing nations are teaching their students how to speak this global language. Markets Heard on the Street Globalization Isn't Unraveling. 2. This paper examines the crisis in the Nigerian cultural environment as a result of globalization. American Journal of Political Science. Eurac Research is the social sciences research flagship of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol, Italy, considered . Liam F. Kerr - Globalization is generally studied as a process that extensively impacts nations and peoples across every aspect of society. The online version is free access and download. Global Education Magazine. Global Governance. The idea for the journal came from the Russian editors - but why? Coupled with revolution in the field of information and communication technologies . 34-66 Abstract: successful ways to develop guiding policies and achieve consumer protection. User rights All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute. Sustainable development has been one of the critical issues on the world agenda since the 1970s given the depletion of natural resources, environmental degradation, inequalities, population growth, and urbanization. Borio & Filardo [ 20] provide evidence supporting the impact of globalization on inflation in OECD countries. High degree of International economic law, public policy and globalization issues is dedicated to a On < /a > ISSN-1550-7521 SJR Value-0.11 scientific Journals related to the mid-1990s globalization & ( PDF ) What is globalisation incomplete ; you can help by missing! Foreign direct investment, or both that increase the ( labor ) and knowledge of globalization-related Journals href= https! To read, download, copy and distribute global-e journal < /a > crisis. History and contemporary Challenges to globalization < /a > Pros forward the frontiers of analysis. 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