binding of isaac item id

However if you take damage a second time you die like the Lost does, Same effect as touching a white fire, but only lasts one room, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Lost, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Lilith, Spawns up to 25 random coins on the floor, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Keeper, Locusts are variants of blue flies, except they have special effects based on the color, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Apollyon, Gives you The Forgotten as a temporary familiar, with 2 Bone hearts and his bone weapon. The charge direction now allows for a minor amount of control, * headless horseman, headless horsemen, red, grey, gray, A bag of bombs that will drop a bomb pickup every 2 rooms, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Cain, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, ?, Satan and The Lamb as Tainted Lazarus, All new chests become locked Golden chests, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? When the charge bar gets to zero it will grant you a brief period of invincibility, If the spacebar is held for too long (about 1 second) when it has no charge, you will take damage, During the invincibility period, Isaac deals 3.5 contact damage to enemies and beams of light will strike down from the sky, dealing 15 damage, If damage is blocked perfectly at the exact second the charge bar reaches zero, it will release holy beams in four directions and grant a brief shile effect, The invincibility effect is shown via a rapid flashing animation, Item Pool: Angel Room, Greed Mode Angel Room, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, white, blue, ball, circle, After taking damage, if you have half a red heart or less, The Polaroid will give you an invincibility shield for 5 seconds, Allows you to open the door at the beginning of Depths II that leads to the Mausoluem, When unlocked, is guaranteed to drop after the Mom's Foot boss fight, The Polaroid will always spawn on the left pedestal, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Isaac in the Cathedral 5 times, After taking damage, if you have half a red heart or less, The Negative will deal 40 damage to all enemies in the room, The Negative will always spawn on the right pedestal, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan in Sheol 5 times, * mom's foot, mom fight, mom boss, dark room, photo, family, kodak, inverted, You no longer shoot tears and instead now control a single large tear with the arrow keys, Items which increase your tears stat will cause the tear to deal damage at a faster rate, Items which increase your shot speed cause the tear to travel faster across the screen, Ludo and Brimstone create a large controllable red ring of death that does massive damage to anything in its path, Taking this with Mom's Knife allows you to remote control the knife around the room, dealing huge damage, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, eye, pink, grey, gray, robot, REPENTANCE - Soy Milk tears now cause drastically less knockback, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, white, glass, square, Isaac's tears become homing and have an aura around them, which will deal a flat 2 damage per tick to anything inside its radius, Multiple GodHeads doesn't stack the aura damage, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by completing all post-it note marks in hard mode with The Lost character, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, yellow, blue, red, triangle, all seeing eye, Gives Isaac an extra life on death, exactly the same as Lazarus' default respawn effect, When you die with this item, you respawn in the same room with 1 heart and the Anemic item, The game considers you to be a different character (Lazarus II) when this effect activates, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Isaac boss with Lazarus, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Controller: By default you can open the menu by pressing down the right control stick. Isaac takes a full heart if hurt by Blood Puppy and it drops a full red heart for every 10 enemies it kills. The spear occasionally inflicts fear on enemies it damages. Dead Bird) then Box of Friends will cause it to spawn but won't create duplicates, This can be used multiple times in the same room to generate more familiars, meaning you can get a level 4 meatboy or bandage girl by using this item 3 times in the same room, If used when you have no familiars, it will give you a Demon Baby temporarily, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Greed Mode with Lilith, Isaac wears a dunce hat and fires 2 tears at once diagonally, similar to the R U A WIZARD pill tear pattern, * Item Room, Greed Mode Item Room, dunce cap, white, hat, cone, Replaces Isaac's tears with nails, which have increased knockback, The increased knockback will also affect Brimstone, which usually has no knockback at all, Gives you a familiar demon incubus that follows you and shoots tears that scale with your own tears in terms of damage, stats and also effects, It will mimic any tear effects you currently have and also copy your current stats, meaning it will fire with the same damage, fire rate and range, Incubus' damage is reduced by 25% when playing as characters other than Lilith, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with Lilith, Item Pool: Devil Room, Greed Mode Devil Room, A familiar blue head that will follow Isaac and fire tears copying his tear damage and effects, This familiar is very similar to Incubus, however it only copies damage and is not affected by tears or range upgrades, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with ??? . The latest of them, Repentance, was released at the end of March of 2021 and has received many updates. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as ??? If you haven't unlocked Holy Mantle for The Lost yet, you won't gain the effect after touching a white fire so be careful! Based on the Steam Workshop mod created by by Scayze and Ashkait, *, bloody, paper, script, white, red, toilet paper, seven seals. These will more than usually harm you than help you. This effect stacks with multiple shades, scaling the contact damage each time, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Judas, Isaac gains a cloud familiar that follows him and leaves a trail of tears on the floor which damages enemies for 2 damage per tick, Enemies touching the cloud have a chance to activate the Crack the Sky effect, which spawns a light beam that deals damage equal to your tear damage + 20, Gives Isaac a small Hush familiar that bounces diagonally around the room dealing 2 contact damage per tick, While you're firing tears Hushy will stop moving, which allows you to keep it in one place, Hushy will block enemy tears and projectiles, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Hush with Apollyon, Gives Isaac a small Monstro familar, who's tears can be charged and released in a shotgun style effect, much like Monstro's main attack, Lil Monstro's tears each deal base damage (3.5) and don't scale with damage upgrades, *, head, cleft, lip, palate, hairlip, tooth, A baby familiar that follows you and causes other familiars to follow it. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Isaac, A one time use active item that when used, will spawn 2 random item pedestals from the item pool associated with the current room (e.g. rocks), Item Pool: Item Room, Devil Room, Greed Mode Devil Room, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, luigi board, weeja board, paper, grown, Automatically gives you 1 bar of charge after using your spacebar item, Fully recharges your current spacebar item when picked up, Any items which are normally a 1 room recharge are now timed instead, * shop room pool, shop item pool, battery, black, brown, When Isaac takes damage, the dead bird will spawn and attack nearby enemies in the current room for 2 damage per tick, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, starting, grey, gray, Tears are replaced with the ability to charge and fire a powerful laser that travels in a straight line across the room, dealing a lot of damage (tear damage hits for 9 ticks per laser) to any enemies it comes into contact with, Does not directly affect your Damage stat but hits enemies 9 times per charge, Synergizes very well with a lot of items including Tammy's Head, Tiny Planet, Inner Eye (Triple Shot), Mutant Spider (Quad Shot) and many others, If you somehow manage to get a second Brimstone, the laser becomes massive and deals double damage, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, infinity, red, black, Has a chance to drop while playing any Blood Donation machine, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by playing the Blood Donation machine 30 times, Item Pool: None (Blood Donation machine only), Gives you a high rate of fire in exchange for a damage down, * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Thin Odd Mushroom, brown, purple, grey, gray, REPENTANCE - Odd Mushroom (thick) is now a larger damage increase (equal to that of Steven/Pentagram), but now also a larger speed downgrade (from -0.1 to -0.2), * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, purple, pink, brown, thick odd mushroom thick, When you only have half a red heart remaining or less, you enter a curse state which adds +1.5 damage and +0.3 speed, When playing as Eve, this item activates with one FULL heart remaining or less AND also removes her 0.75 damage multiplier, raising it up to 1.0, The effect is permanently active for characters with no red hearts (e.g. Isaac doesn't take damage from this effect, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Lost, Spawns a familiar that's attached via an Umbilical Cord, but will move and shoot in the same direction Isaac is shooting, When activated you first need to throw the familiar, which deals x3 your tear damage to any enemies it touches, Gello's tears deal x0.75 your tear damage (x1.0 if Lilith), Can be used multiple times per room to spawn more familiars, however they only last for the current room, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Lilith, When used, this item allows you to throw your head where it will sit as a stationary sentry firing bullets until you walk over and pick it up again, Throwing Isaac's head deals 24 damage to anything it hits while being thrown, Your hitbox remains with the body. with Brimstone it fires 10 lasers), Turns your tears into bones, which shatter into 1-3 smaller bone shards upon hitting any object or enemy, The smaller bone shards deal damage equal to half your normal tear damage, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Lazarus, Allows Isaac to carry two cards, runes or pills (or any combination of these) at the same time, Drops a random card, pill or rune on pickup, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Greedier Mode with The Lost, Item Pool: Boss Room, Beggar, Gold/Stone Chest, *, silver, metal, grey, gray, omega, dads lost coin, dad lost coin, dad coin, REPENTANCE - This was renamed from Moldy Bread, *, sandwich, toast, brown, green, bite, bitten, Each time you take damage from any source, Cone Head has a 20% chance to prevent it from reducing your health, Isaac flashes blue very briefly when damage is negated by this item, * northernlion, nl, northern lion, ryan letourneau, egg, egg father, egg daddy, dad, BALD, northernlion's head resembles an egg much like this item, isn't that hilarious?, pink, Isaac's tears have a 20% chance to be a booger instead, which stick on to enemies and deal periodic poison damage until they die, Each tick of poison damage is equal to your normal tear damage, Each booger persists for 10 seconds or until the enemy dies. Supper = +0.5 tears, +1 luck. The damage formula of the bombs has changed from damage * 5 + 30 to damage * 10, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Mom's Heart 9 times, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, baby, fetus, foetus, jar, white, pink, bug, dr fetus, Causes pickups on the floor move towards the player, Works across pits, but not through Key blocks, REPENTANCE - Magneto is now capable of opening chests from a small distance. purple, An orbiting fly which deals 2 contact damage per tick to enemies, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, blue, Has a chance to drop from the Super Gluttony miniboss fight, Item Pool: Item Room, Super Gluttony Miniboss, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, white, grey, gray, tub, Allows Isaac to fly while the Pony is held, Sets your speed stat to 1.5 if it isn't already that high, When the active attack is used, Isaac will dash across the screen dealing scaling contact damage to anything he hits, Drops from the Headless Horseman boss fight, REPENTANCE - A Pony's charge time has been reduced to 2 (from 4). If picked up by Cain, it shoots blood tears and the damage becomes increased to 5 (instead of the usual 3.5), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Dark Room with Cain, * golden chest pool, gold chest pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, follower, everyone knows it's abel, brown, grey, gray, dead, head, grey, green cain and abel cain & abel, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Challenge #14 (It's in the Cards), * item room, treasure room, item room pool, bloody, silver, grey, gray, sharp, Item Pool: Item Room, Secret Room, Bomb Beggar, * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, smile, face, grinning, doitfgt, REPENTANCE - The list of possible tear effects was updated in Repentance, to include all missing and new ones, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, pink note, money, cash, three dollar bill, bad damage, bobs brain, When Isaac takes damage, a white attack fly will spawn that orbits him at a similar distance to the Distant Admiration fly, The fly orbits a lot faster than Distant Admiration or Forever Alone and deals 10 damage per tick, REPENTANCE - Best Bud's contact damage has been increased to 10 (from 5), * key master pool, key beggar pool, key judgement pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, +4 damage from Curved Horn instead of 2, -4 Tear Delay from Cancer instead of 2), Item Pool: Shop, Greed Mode Shop, Mom's Chest, Randomly while firing tears, Isaac will stop firing and turn red, where he will charge and release a lot of 'tears' in one go. Suicide King or using The Bible on Isaac, ??? Will take red hearts first before any other, Eve starts with this item after donating 439 coins to the Greed Donation Machine, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Eve, Item Pool: Item Room, Curse Room, Demon Beggar, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, the lost item pool, starting, silver, grey, gray, Upon use, this item refreshes the current floor with brand new rooms, monsters and items, as if you had entered a new floor, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Blue Baby, Item Pool: Item Room, Secret Room, Devil Room, Demon Beggar, * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, pill, tablet, drug, white, The only way to remove broken hearts is by donating to a Confessional Machine, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as Jacob & Esau, Holding the fire button charges up a light beam attack similar to Brimstone, The light beam deals damage equal to your current tear damage per tick to any enemies touching it, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as Bethany, When picked up, this item gives you a stat increase, based on which is currently the lowest. grey, gray, pentagram, Deals 40 damage to everything in the room when used, REPENTANCE - Reduced to 3 room recharge time, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by using 4 XIII - Death cards, Item Pool: Library, Secret Room, Devil Room, * library pool, library room, book room pool, secret room pool, devil pool, devil room pool, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Leo etc.). paper, roll, white, All of Isaac's bombs now having a homing effect when placed on the floor, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bomb beggar, dead, Sort: Item ID Colour Alphabetical Isaac Cheat Sheet. When you take the reverse path back up to Home, the trinket will turn into Cracked Key in the same floor/room you dropped it before. Drop a LIKE and nice l. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating the Isaac boss with Blue Baby. This room isn't part of the actual floor, and leaving it returns you to where you teleported from, The boss isn't necessarily from the current floor - e.g. - The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance Ep. . - Every HP upgrade is now worth 2 soul hearts. *, blue, baby, grow, headless, golden chest pool, gold chest pool, Isaac's tears become coins and now have a 5% chance to drop pennies on the floor upon successfully hitting an enemy, Has a chance to drop when exploding a dead shopkeeper, A familiar blue fly that will follow Isaac's movement pattern but delayed by 1 second, Papa Fly will fire tears at nearby enemies that deal damage equal to Isaac's tear damage, A familiar baby that will follow your movement pattern on a 2 second delay, Tears that pass through the baby will double up and gain x1.33 speed boost, Isaac's normal bombs become pink and causes them to drop random pickups when they explode (e.g. Below Polydactyly (454) and above Jacob's Ladder (494) vertically. with Lilith, After picking up 15 hearts, Isaac gains a permanent angelic familiar and a soul heart drops, Possible familiars include: Holy Water, Guardian Angel, Sworn Protector, The Relic and Seraphim, It is possible to get multiple followers by continuing to pick up hearts, at intervals of 15 hearts each, After all 5 familiars have spawned, it will just drop a soul heart every 15 hearts collected, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Boss Rush with Lilith, Two items now spawn in each of your item rooms, however only one can be taken and the other will disappear, A crown that replaces normal tears with blue diamond tears while you don't have any empty red heart containers or bone hearts, While the effect is active, tears do double damage and have -0.30 Shot Speed, The crown will glow blue while active, if inactive it will appear grey, The effect will also deactivate for the rest of the current room when you take damage, regardless of your health, When a room clear would otherwise yield no rewards, it now spawns 1-3 pennies, REPENTANCE - Deep Pockets no longer adds a pill/card slot, instead increases money cap to 999, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating The Chest floor with Keeper, A flying familiar that bounces around the room with a damaging aura, dealing rapid damage to any enemies inside it and boosting Isaac's tear damage, While standing in the black aura, Isaac has a temporary 1.5x damage multiplier (this will stack if you have more than one Succubus), The aura deals 2.5 damage per tick or about 7.5 - 10 damage per second, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating The Lamb with Lilith, Gives you a different tear effect with every tear that you fire, Tear effects include: Anti-Gravity, Ball of Bandages (Lvl 4), Bumbo (Lvl 3), Continuum, Cupid's Arrow, Compound Fracture, Euthanasia, Explosivo, Eye of Greed, Fire Mind, Flat Stone, Flat Worm, God's Flesh, Godhead, Head of the Keeper, Holy Light, Hook Worm, Ipecac, Iron Bar, Jacob's Ladder, Knockout Drops, Lachryphagy, Little Horn, Lodestone, Mom's Contacts, Mom's Eyeshadow, Mom's Perfume, Mucormycosis, My Reflection, Mysterious Liquid, Ocular Rift, Ouija Board, Ouroboros Worm, The Parasite, Parasitoid, Polyphemus, Pop!, Proptosis, Pulse Worm, Ring Worm, Rotten Tomato, Rubber Cement, Serpent's Kiss, Sinus Infection, Spider Bite, Strange Attractor, Sulfuric Acid, Technology Zero, Tiny Planet, Trisagion and Wiggle Worm, With Dr. Fetus, this item will also cycle through random Bomb Modifiers (e.g. Certain items consider Quality for picking what item to spawn, allowing better items to spawn under certain conditions, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Lost, Spawns a special set of spikes in the Devil Room, Taking damage from the spikes has a chance to spawn a reward, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Judas, When picked up, this gives you 9 orbital flies, Each time a fly blocks an enemy shot, it will turn into a blue fly and attack nearby enemies, leaving you with one less orbital, Every room clear gives you +1 orbital fly, up to a maximum of 9, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Blue Baby, Gives you +0.25 Damage Up for every broken heart you have, Every hit of damage that would kill you, instead adds 2 more broken hearts and deal 40 damage to all enemies in the room, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Eve, Every time you take damage, you gain a Speed Up and a Tears Up, The stat increases start small, and scale up each time you take damage (+0.25 Tears Up for the first hit, +0.75 Tears Up for the 6th hit), The effect maxes out at +3 Tears Up and +1 Speed Up after taking damage 6 times. debug 5 - Displays text at the bottom of the screen about the current room. It will attempt to hide behind you when shooting. the lost item pool, white, blue, cross, jar, Gives Isaac an eternal heart and the ability to fly, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Chest with Blue Baby, * golden chest pool, gold chest pool, blue head, the lost item pool, dead, ball, Upon taking damage, Isaac will fart a few times, causing all enemies in close proximity to become poisoned and leaving a gas cloud behind, Black Bean deals your tear damage for 6 ticks, * normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, kidney, grey, gray, Allows Isaac to fly while the White Pony is held, While held, sets your speed stat to 1.5 if it isn't already that high. The item order is based on the original The Binding of Isaac up to item 129 ( A Lump of Coal ), and its expansion, Wrath of the Lamb, up to item 195 ( Box ). There's Options, Double item room, Boss Rush) the Moving Box will pick only one of the items at random, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2 and based on the Steam Workshop mod created by HurleyFarrill, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by using Pandora's Box in the Dark Room floor, Your tears will now be connected together by beams of electricity which deals damage to enemies they hit, The lasers from this item deal 30% of your current damage stat, REPENTANCE - Technology Zero's lasers now deal 30% of the player's damage stat per tick (from 100%), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by having 2 technology items at once, *, black, white, grey, gray, round, circle, eye, key, hole, coin, slot, laser, Taking damage will spawn an orbital that rotates around Isaac, dealing contact damage to enemies and blocking enemy projectiles, A maximum of 3 Leprocy orbitals can be active at one time, Using the orbital to deal damage to enemies can cause it to break, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2. Any Tarot card or rune on the floor or current held when picking this item up will change into a pill, Dice Shard counts as a card and will be converted, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by picking up 2 of the following items: Roid Rage, The Virus, Growth Hormones, Experimental Treatment or Speed Ball, * shop room pool, shop item pool, brown, purple, * boss room pool, boss room item, red, wedge, purple, triangle, The above stats only apply to tears fired from Isaac's left eye or with a 50% chance if you have an item which causes you to fire from a single source only, * boss room pool, boss room item, red, blob, circle, spot, * boss room pool, boss room item, grey, gray, Enemies touching placed bombs take 16 damage, Gives all bombs a burning effect when they explode, leaving fire on the floor which deals 22 damage to enemies, REPENTANCE - Hot Bombs now have greatly increased contact damage (increased from 1 to 16), and passively grants Isaac immunity to fire, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, fire, orange, flame, face, Isaac's tears now set enemies on fire, leaving a damage over time effect that does 4 or 6 damage per tick, There is a chance that tears that hit enemies will explode, leaving a small fire on the floor that damages enemies, Exploding tears deal damage * 2 + 22 per tick, The chance for tears to explode is affected by your luck stat and at +13 Luck it will activate every time, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, fire, flame, orange, back, ball, burning, When picked up, and at the start of each floor this rerolls all your current items, giving you a new item to replace each of the ones you had, Also rerolls all your stats at the same time, giving a random flat modifier that changes each time, Doesn't affect important items such as Polaroid, Negative and Key Pieces, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Boss Rush with Lazarus, * secret room pool, mondrian, painting, yellow, blue, red, white, Tears now have a chance to apply the fear effect to enemies, which causes them to run away from Isaac, The chance to fear enemies is affected by your luck stat and at +20 Luck it will activate every time, An item only found in the devil room pool (Note: The Fallen boss pulls items from the Devil Room Pool), * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, grey, gray, fist, glow, Immunity to all floor curses (e.g. Throwing this at the Great Gideon boss will trigger a special animation and reveal a crawl space containing several chests and items! Type: Active. princezzxdiana, pink, purple, hat, Once per room when you are damaged down to your final half a heart, you gain 1 soul heart, Re-entering a room allows this effect to be triggered again. in Isaac? This shield stacks with Holy Mantle, giving you 2 free hits, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #5. Larry Jr.) it will split them into 2 smaller enemies with half the number of sections they used to have, If the enemy normally has a mechanic that splits it (e.g. Lazarus - Every time Lazarus dies, gives +21.6 temporary Damage Up, gradually fading over 1 minute. * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, the lost item pool, cross, upside down, red, black. No longer drops black hearts like it used to. The Binding of Isaac is a randomly generated action RPG shooter with heavy Rogue-like elements. *, bag, grey, cry, blue, tear, shia paper bag sackhead, sad, Gives Isaac a cone of light infront of him that slows any enemies inside it and their tears, The light faces the direction that you are facing, not the direction you are firing, Removes Curse of Darkness for the current floor, if picked up on a floor where the curse is active, * Shop, Greed Mode Item Room, white, blue, inhaler, A purple familiar fly that follows your exact movement on a 1 second delay and deals 2 contact damage to enemies, When used, places an explosive TNT barrel next to you, The TNT barrel can be pushed and used to explode rocks or damage enemies, If used a second time in the same room while the last TNT barrel is still there, it will remotely explode the first TNT and not spawn another, REPENTANCE - Added to the Gold Chest Pool. Unlocked from Challenge #25 - Have a Heart, Feels like I'm walking on sunshine! One exception to this is if you are playing as Lazarus or have Lazarus' Rags - you will respawn in the same room and get the kill, Plan C is 5 times rarer than other items in the same item pool, making it less likely to appear, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier Mode with Lazarus, Item Pool: Shop, Devil Room, Curse Room, Red Chest, Demon Beggar, When used, the D1 duplicates 1 random pickup in the current room. REPENTANCE - Bob's Curse bombs now leave behind a gas cloud that poisons enemies that move through it. (2% chance for the end of room drop to become a trinket), If a trinket has been smelted, it won't appear a second time unless the entire trinket pool is exhausted or you restart the run (e.g.

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